The Chilli Jacket

The Chilli Jacket

The Chilli Jacket

Serves 4 Cooking time: 40 mins

Chilli con carne truly is a firm favourite, and although some might love it with rice, we just adore it piled on top of a baked potato. Adorned with guacamole and soured cream on the side, and finished with fresh coriander, freshly chopped red chillis and spring onions, this is a fabulous Friday night (or any night) family feast.   It also freezes well, so we always portion out any leftovers to help us plan our working lunches too.

The Chilli Jacket


4 Bannisters Farm Baked Jacket Potatoes
300g lean minced beef
2 tbsp olive oil
1 red pepper, chopped
1 onion, peeled and chopped
3 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and crushed
200ml beef stock
1-2 tsp chilli power
2 tsp paprika
1 tin chopped tomatoes
50g kidney beans
Fresh coriander leaves (optional)
Fresh red chilli, sliced (optional)


Cook the Bannisters Baked Potato (only 5 mins) as per instructions.

In a deep pan, add the olive oil, minced beef, onion, pepper and fry until the meat is brown. Add the garlic, chilli powder, paprika, beef stock and fry for a few minutes.

Add the chopped tomatoes, kidney beans and leave to simmer for 30 mins.

Load the chilli on to your jacket potato and garnish with coriander and chillis.