Hearty Ratatouille

Hearty Ratatouille

Hearty Ratatouille

Serves 4 Cooking time: 40 mins


A Provençale dish, effectively a “stew of vegetables”, which we adapt each time we make it so that we can use up the contents of our fridge. With this dish, anything goes! This is a great way to stop food waste.

Hearty Ratatouille


1 tbsp olive oil

1 onion

2 courgettes, sliced

2 or 3 tins of tomataoes (to taste)

a good pinch of dried mixed herbs

season to taste

4 Bannisters Yorkshire Family Farm Baked Jacket Potatoes


1 clove of garlic, crushed

1 aubergine, roughly chopped

1 celery stick, thinly sliced

Red or yellow peppers, roughly chopped

a dollop of pesto

Feta cheese, crumbled or fresh basil leaves


Fry the onions in olive oil until soft and slightly caramelised, then add in the garlic. Next, add the rest of the vegetables in order of preference.

Once the vegetables are cooked to your liking, add the herbs, pesto (if used), tomatoes and seasoning then leave to simmer for 30 mins.

Cook the Bannisters potatoes as per instructions. Heap the ratatouille onto each potato, sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese or fresh basil leaves, and dig in!