Good King Wensleydale

Good King Wensleydale

Good King Wensleydale

Serves 1 Cooking time: 7 minutes

Leftover Wensleydale and ham, in our Christmas take on a ploughman’s lunch.  A welcome warming meal after a brisk walk in the mid-winter sun.

Good King Wensleydale


Leftover Wensleydale Cheese (with or without cranberries)

Leftover Christmas ham

a dollop of chutney

a handful of rocket

Olive oil, balsamic vinegar or your favourite dressing

1 Bannisters Yorkshire Family Farm Baked Jacket Potato


Cook the Bannisters Baked Jacket Potato (only 5 mins) as per instructions.

Pop on a plate, open up, add a knob of butter, then load in big chunks of ham and Wensleydale cheese.

Serve with dressed rocket leaves and your favourite Boxing Day chutney.