Spuds in space!

Spuds in space!

With the first public space travel being a matter of months away, we’re delighted to announce an exciting new direction for Bannisters’ Farm.

Our Ready Baked Potatoes have been chosen to be on the menu for the very first space tourists!

This incredible honour comes at the end of a three-year process of product development with the Space Nutrition Authority to ensure our Ready Baked Potatoes, served in a pouch, meet the strict criteria required for zero gravity conditions.

Firstly, food must be nutritious, palatable, easily digestible and easy to clean up e.g. foods that leave crumbs are not suitable for space travel. Also, packaging must be light weight and easy to dispose of.

Our Ready Baked Potato pouches come with the same flavour options as our Fully Loaded Jacket Potatoes: Beans and Cheese, Broccoli and Cauliflower Cheese, Chicken Tikka, Chicken and Mushroom, and Mature Cheddar Cheese.

We’re absolutely delighted that our products, loved by so many on earth, will now be part of history by being on the menu for the very first space tourists!

See an exclusive preview of our Bannisters’ Farm Ready Baked Potato pouches.