Preparing for harvest

Preparing for harvest

It’s that time of year again when farmers across the country begin to harvest their crops of wheat and barley.

If you’re lucky enough to be driving through the Great British countryside, you’ll see the unmistakeable sight of combine harvesters, methodically spanning the fields, to and fro.

But there’s more to harvest time than whizzing up and down the fields in a combine. On the farm we’ve been preparing for this year’s grain by clearing out our grain store, ready for the in-coming grain.

We have to make sure the grain store is clear of bugs like grain weevils, which live in the dust from last year’s crop and can then attack the barley and wheat in store during the winter.

To help protect against this, we have to clean the grain store from top to bottom which, as you can see from the picture, is no mean feat.

So with the grain store prepared, bring out the combines!