Last of the combinable crops

Last of the combinable crops

We were delighted on Saturday to be able to start combining the last of our combinable crops: our beans. We’ve grown Fava beans again, this time, two varieties: Pyramid and Fuego.

We’ve “bean” doing a little bit of a trial this year to see whether we can find a beans crop that matures slightly earlier, as we’ve had years recently (which some of you may remember) when the beans have been standing for months after our grain harvest. In 2012, we harvested the beans in December!

Fava beans being harvested

These photos were taken on Sunday, but alas, a combine breakdown and considerable rain on Monday has meant that as surely as ever, we still had beans standing in the field in October!

But we’re happy to report that there’s been dry weather since and the beans are in. Now we can finish with the combining for this year.

Just the potatoes left then…