Joining the Big Farmland Bird Count

Joining the Big Farmland Bird Count

If you’re looking for an excuse to get out and about, and clear the cobwebs, what better reason than to help monitor farmland bird species. And that’s exactly what we’re going to be doing this weekend when we take part in the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust’s Big Farmland Bird Count.

As regular readers of this blog will know, we take a great interest in our feathered friends on the farm. Around this time last year, we put up a number of bird boxes (see picture) to house the various species that share our Wolds home.

Recently we were lucky enough to have volunteers from the RSPB complete a survey of declining farmland species , when we found, to our delight, that quite a number were resident on the farm.

So, we’ll be hoping to see for ourselves the Corn buntings, Skylarks and Yellowhammers, and hopefully, a whole host more.

Wish us luck and we’ll update you next week on how we got on. We’ll even take some pictures if the birds stay still for long enough!