It’s autumn, only more autumn-y

It’s autumn, only more autumn-y

This year’s autumn really is spectacular. It’s a bit like someone’s upgraded it to super HD. The yellows, golds, oranges, russets and reds have been more vibrant than I remember from recent years.

The riot of colour across the Yorkshire Wolds really is quite distracting when you’re on your way to work. Sometimes I have to stop just to take it in.

So what makes this year’s autumn different? Well it just happens that weather conditions this year have been just about perfect for producing these awe-inspiring autumnal scenes

The long hot summer and (relatively) dry and mild autumn, have all contributed to the carotene and anthocyanin levels in the leaves, the pigments which produce the yellows and the reds.

If you’re interested to know more about the science behind this stunning season, there’s a great information sheet on the website.

In the meantime, I’m going to just enjoy the spectacle before it’s gone.
