Hockney’s Hawthorn… and other hedgerow flora

Hockney’s Hawthorn… and other hedgerow flora

The country roads around the Wolds at the moment have made for spectacular driving over the last couple of weeks.  The wet weather, followed by this hot spell, seems to have really suited the flowers in particular and the hedgerows are in full bloom.

I have been reminded of some of David Hockney’s paintings in his exhibition, A Bigger Picture, as the hawthorn hedges look truly fabulous adorned with their delicate white flowers.

I’ve also never seen quite so many wild cowslips in the grass verges: fairly subtle, and you could easily miss them, but it’s great to see that they seem to have made such a comeback after years under threat.

Surrounded by such breathtaking countryside, I couldn’t help but stop my car a few times on the way to work yesterday to attempt (in my amateur way) to capture on camera some of the things that have caught my eye. The sudden emergence of the cow parsley once the sun came out, the hawthorn hedges, swathes of dandelion clocks just caught in the light and, of course, the cowslips – works of art in their own right. Spring has certainly sprung… finally.
