A very British year

A very British year

What a year it’s been. From sporting achievements bringing national unity to royal anniversaries, we Brits have a lot to be proud of. So we’ve been having fun and thought we’d bring 2012 to a close with a little poem to round up the year’s highlights.

A very British year

As 2012 comes to a close and anticipation of festivities grows,

We’d like to ponder the year gone by, a year when expectations were high.

A year when Britishness came to the fore, who could have guessed what we had in store?

It all began with the diamond jubilee, 60 years rein over our proud country.

From boats on the Thames to bands on the Mall and the street parties – everyone having a ball.

And then the torch which travelled the land, extending a warm and welcoming hand,

To our sporting friends from around the globe, spreading a message of unity and hope.

We cried tears of sadness, we cried tears of joy, feeling so proud of GB’s girls and boys.

Achievements continued at the US Open, victory for the man we’d pinned our hopes on.

And news that Kate is going to be a mother, a Royal baby is due in the summer.

So all that remains at this time of year, is to wish you Merry Christmas and a happy new year!