Doing our bit for the birds

Doing our bit for the birds

Earlier this year, Bannisters’ Farm opened its gates to volunteers from the RSPB to take part in the monitoring of specific species of bird on our farm.

The survey aimed to identify ten lowland arable farmland species where numbers have seen significant decline, such as the Corn bunting and the Lapwing, but also acted as an audit for all the bird species that were spotted by the eagle-eyed twitchers!

Well, results are in and we’re delighted to announce that five of the ten species were identified – the Linnet, the Corn bunting, the Yellow wagtail, the Yellowhammer and the Skylark, plus a whole host of other feathered friends from the more common Chaffinch and Jackdaw to the less common Curlew and Kestrel.

You may remember, we reported back in February, during National Nest Box Week, how we were putting up a number of different-sized nest boxes around the farm. Well we’re hoping this has helped attract the, almost thirty, species that were spotted.

Thank you to the RSPB for your continued support.
