Craft ideas to keep the kids entertained this Easter

Craft ideas to keep the kids entertained this Easter

We’re half way through the Easter holidays and if you’re wondering how you’re going to keep the little darlings entertained for another week we thought we’d give a helping hand with some crafty suggestions.

We make no secret of the fact that we love potatoes here at Bannisters’ Farm, so unsurprisingly our crafty ideas have a very potatoey theme… who knew the humble spud could create so much entertainment?

If you do try one of these suggestions we’d love to see them.

Have fun! We certainly did!

Suggestion 1: Potato egg painting

We have all painted hard boiled eggs for Easter but if you have young ones then why not use a potato? It’s more durable and with extra surface area there is plenty more space for budding Van Gogh’s to paint their designs. If you need some inspiration check out our very own creations (above)…

Suggestion 2: Potato printing

It might take a little preparation but once you have some potato stamps created you know that it will keep them entertained….well for a little while at least.

Bannisters' Farm potato printing

Suggestion 3: Mashed potato play dough

To make the play dough simply peel, boil, and then mash your potatoes. You will need around 250g of mashed potato. Then add 400g flour, 100ml of vegetable oil, and a few drops of food colouring (or separate out and create a few different-coloured dough portions), then kneed together… and let them loose.

Bannisters' Farm mash potato play dough

Suggestion 4: Vegetable animals

For slightly older children you could let them loose with any leftover veg and see what vegetable animals they can make using cocktail sticks to hold the separate pieces in place. If you make any interesting creations we’d love to see them!

Bannisters' Farm potato animals