A misty walk on the farm

A misty walk on the farm

A few weeks ago we reported that Spring Work On The Farm had begun. So over the weekend, I took a walk around our misty farm to check on progress.

The bean crop that we sowed earlier this year seems to be emerging well. You can see the green shoots through the mist in the photo above. I also took a walk over to our Dew Pond, which you may remember was restored earlier this year.

Already there are water beetles and Spirogyra growing. It makes you wonder where on earth they’ve come from considering that only a couple of months ago, the pond was completely overgrown.

Just as I was leaving the pond area there was a loud cracking sound of twigs breaking and a deer bounded out and off down the fields – it was too quick for my photographic skills!

Fungi on grass

Setting off across the fields I was pleased to see two lapwings swooping and diving.  I walked on down the dale in the mist and came across an interesting group of fungi (I don’t think they are edible?) near to new badger setts.


Spring flowers are blooming too, with Cowslips appearing dotted around the steep sides of the banks. Fortunately, some things stand still for me to take a picture!

Before I left the dale I heard the mournful cry of a curlew and saw it in the distance – I’ll try to get a shot of it next time!

So, all in all, things are progressing well on Bannisters’ Farm. And with potato planting about to start, there’s plenty to keep us busy!
