A “catchy time” on Bannisters’ Farm

A “catchy time” on Bannisters’ Farm

Harvest time has been quite frustrating so far this year. With the showery weather, it’s all been a bit “stop-start” or a “catchy time” as we call it.

It’s a case of going in with the grain moisture meter to see if it’s possible to send in the combine before gathering the team together from their other work, only to find that when they’re all ready to go, another shower descends!

I’m pleased to say we’re now on the job again. All the barley is gathered in so we’ll be sending samples to see if it’s good enough for malt, which goes to make beer.

We’re well into the wheat harvest – some of which we hope will go to the bread industry and some perhaps for biscuit manufacture.

The borage is laid in the swath waiting for a longer dry spell – it takes quite a while to dry – and the beans will not be ready for a few more weeks. They’re always the last to be harvested.

Then that’ll be the end of the grain harvest for this year and the combines can go back into hibernation until the same time next year.

*Image thanks to Uncle Keith Schubert