10 reasons why potatoes should appear on your plate today

10 reasons why potatoes should appear on your plate today

They may be nicknamed the “humble spud” but when it comes to nutritional value, potatoes really are the ultimate “superfood”.

Here we outline the nutritional components of this versatile veg and explain why it’s so very good for you.

Vitamin C
You may be surprised to know that potatoes provide 15% of the UK’s vitamin C intake. This vital vitamin promotes the growth and maintenance of bones, skin, teeth and red blood cells. It’s good for the immune system, acts as an antihistamine (for all you hay fever sufferers out there) and is believed to lower blood pressure.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
A 175g serving of potatoes in their skins provides 18% of your RDA of Vitamin B1.

Thiamin helps your body release energy from carbohydrate and aids the normal function of the heart and the nervous system.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 keeps your blood healthy, aids functioning of the immune and nervous systems, and may lower cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.

Just a medium (175g) portion of potatoes can provide up to 40% of your RDA.

Folic Acid
Anyone who has had a baby will know the importance of this B vitamin. As well as producing red blood cells and important proteins like DNA, in pregnancy Folic Acid lessens your chances of having a baby with a neural tube defect such as spina bifida.

Just a medium (175g) portion of potatoes can provide up to 17% of your RDA.

No cholesterol, and low in fat and calories
Potatoes contain absolutely no cholesterol and despite popular opinion, they are low in fat too (with only 0.5g of fat per 175g serving of potatoes in their skins). The calorific content of potatoes is lower that rice and pasta, with only 66 kCal per 100g serving of potatoes compared to the same weight portion of boiled pasta (104 kCal) and boiled rice (123 kCal).

Fibre promotes good digestion, reduces cholesterol and may decrease your risk of colon cancer – and a baked potato in its skin contains more of the stuff than two slices of wholemeal bread!

All the cells, nerves and body fluids in your body rely on potassium to function properly. It also helps lower blood pressure as part of a healthy low-salt diet.

A medium (175g) portion of potatoes can provide up to 38% of your RDA.

The Atkins Diet has given carbs a bad reputation but the fact is your muscles need carbohydrate – your body’s main fuel – every minute of the day. And, of course, if you are trying to lose weight – the advantage of potatoes over rice or pasta (other major sources of carbohydrate), is that potatoes are low in fat and calories, and contain no cholesterol.

Magnesium is essential for keeping muscle and nerve function normal. It also helps to support a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong.

A medium (175g) portion of potatoes can provide up to 8% of your RDA.

Copper and Zinc
Zinc helps the body to reach sexual maturity and aids the repair of damaged tissue. Without copper the iron in your body cannot properly form red blood cells, which may lead to anaemia.

A medium (175g) portion of potatoes can provide approximately 4% of your RDA of Copper and 2% of Zinc.



